Mikayla Pick, https://www.thesaddlegal.com is a certified, independent saddle fitter for both English and Western saddles. She recently has completed building her own western saddle and is offering her expertise to assure our western saddles fit our equine partners comfortably.
Join us for this informative educational event where we will be talking about western saddles! The event will start with a 1 hour talk on the varying styles of western saddles and what to look for in the different styles. What style fits what type of horse. The second hour will focus on hands; determining proper fit and if the saddle doesn’t fit how you can see and feel this. Mikayla will conclude with a safety checklist for the parts of the western saddle so that we each can embark on our trail riding or showing experience this season in a safe and confident manner.
- Time: 10 am – 1 pm
- Location: Tailfeather Farm https://www.tailfeatherfarm.com/
- Contact Person: Mikayla Pick
- Contact Person Email: thesaddlegal@gmail.com