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VERDA Spring Mud Ride

Spring Mud ride and drive at Quinn's Heyday Morgan Farm.  Registration and details at 25 mile distance 15 mile distance all new 10 mile distance

Mid-State Riding & Driving Workday

MidState Riding Arena Equine Lane, Randolph

Workday to spruce up riding arena and grounds in preparation for the coming riding and driving season.  All are welcome!

Centerline Farm – Lori Berger Clinic

Centerline Farm Rutland, Vermont

Lori Berger is an experienced horsewoman; American Riding Instructor Association (ARIA) certified and has competed successfully in Western and Classical Dressage.  She is skilled in curriculum development having successfully implemented...

Equine Industry Summit

GMHA South Woodstock, VT

Join us for registration, coffee and networking starting at 8:30 am. Sessions begin at 9 am. ______________________ An opportunity for Vermont business people to network and learn about: How equine...

Equestrian Trails – Public Meeting Willoughby State Forest

Sutton Village School 95 Underpass Rd, Sutton, Vermont

Willoughby Public Meeting flyer WHO: Vermont Horse Council and VT FPR WHAT: Public meeting to gather community input WHERE: Sutton Village School, 95 Underpass Road, Sutton, Vermont WHEN: Tuesday, April...

MidState – Carriage Driving Clinic w/Hannah Polson

MidState Riding Arena Equine Lane, Randolph

The Vermont Morgan Horse Association in conjunction with Midstate Riding & Driving Club bring you Hannah Polson for a day long driving clinic. All are welcome!  Whether you are a...

Western Saddle Fitting

Mikayla Pick, is a certified, independent saddle fitter for both English and Western saddles.  She recently has completed building her own western saddle and is offering her expertise to...

Quarterly Book Club Event – 2nd installment

Google Meet

Join us for the 2nd installment of the VHC Quarterly Book Club. We are getting silly this quarter with a short read from British author Victoria Brant.  The book is...

VERDA Brown Bag

Brown Bag Ride at Cornish Fairgrounds, Cornish NH.  Registration and details at 25 mile distance (CTR) 15 mile distance (CDR)

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